Rear Load Pay Station / Cashless / Credit Card & Code Only
Standard’s Guardian XP series of Car Wash Entry Systems includes the GXP-BE (dubbed ‘Basic Entry’) model that is a cashless pay station designed for use in Convenience Store applications where the the majority of users would not require cash to fire the wash. C-Store owners would prefer to sell codes at the pump, or allow customers to purchase washes with a credit card. The GXP-BE provides the security of having no cash in the machine.
The GXP-BE features four wash selection buttons, and an LCD Display that provides instructions to the customer. An optional voice module and intercom module is available to allow customers to interact with a Cashier or Attendant in the C-store in case of a problem.
The GXP-BE can interface with “Pay-At-Pump” POS code devices allowing customers to purchase wash codes while purchasing fuel, and redeem them at the same site or multiple locations.
The Guardian XP is a versatile and flexible machine at an affordable price with cost-effective performance and promotional programs.
GXP-BE features:
- Rear Load configuration for Automatic Wash Entry
- Choice of Painted Steel or Stainless Steel Cabinet
- Sunlight-resistant LCD Instructions Display
- (4) Lighted, Steel Wash Selection Buttons
- 12-key Steel Keypad for Code Entry, Programming and Reporting functions
- Stainless Steel or Painted Steel Cabinet with applied Lexan graphics Decal
- LED Accent Lights on the face of the machine for easy visibility
- One Year Limited Warranty
The GXP-BE Paystation is available in either a painted steel or stainless steel cabinet with matching angled Mounting Base
The GXP-BE Paystation will “fire a wash” with input of a Card or Code only. Removing all cash from the pay station provides more security for C-Store washes