(INDIANAPOLIS) – Effective July 1, 2023, Standard Change-Makers will no longer be able to provide repair parts and service on either the System 500 or System 500-E models of bill validators. The Standard Change-Makers System 500-E bill validator has been a workhorse in the currency change machine industry for 30 years. This bill validator was first introduced in 1993, and discontinued production in 1998; when it was replaced with the more current System 600-FST (& -EF) bill acceptor family. Many of these validators are still working in SC series change machines throughout the United States and Canada.
A Workhorse in the Industry
For the past 25 years, we have been able to continue offering repair services until we finally exhausted all means of providing and obtaining replacement parts. The technology is no longer available from suppliers, or those suppliers are no longer in business.
Any System 500 or 500-E validators sent to Standard’s Service Team for repair, will be returned to the customer.
SC-Conversion Kits available to replace any System 500/600 series validators
For those customers that have older SC series machines with cabinets, hoppers, and power supplies that are still in good working order – that do not wish to invest in a newer machine, we offer an upgrade kit, the SC-Conversion Kit, that will replace the System 500-E bill validator, System 500 separating bill stacker assembly, and keypad programmer with new replacement parts. This kit is readily available and can be purchased through our extensive distributor network or from the Standard Change-Makers Service/Parts Dept.
Here is a link to the SC-Conversion Kit: SC-Conversion Kit – Standard Change-Makers
Limited repair options still exist for the System 600 (both 600-FST and 600-EF) bill validators.
You can find more information by contacting the Standard Change-Makers Service Dept by emailing: parts@standardchange.com